Inmates Help Florida Cops Rescue Infant Who Was Accidentally Locked In SUV

A group of inmates teamed up with deputies from New Port Richey, Florida to rescue a toddler who was locked inside of an SUV. The girl's father accidentally locked his keys inside his vehicle and called the police for help.

When officers arrived, they decided that the only way to get into the vehicle was to break the window.

Luckily, a group of inmates who were on work release happened to be repairing a median in the parking lot, and their supervisor suggested they could help.

The infant girl's mother, Shadow Lantry, recorded as the inmates used their skills to pop the cars lock. Two of the men pulled the door frame back just enough to allow another one of the inmates to slip a hanger down and unlock the doors. After about two minutes they were able to open the door, triggering the SUV's alarm as everybody cheered.

The baby's parents said their daughter is doing fine.

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